Firefighter of the Year is someone who has a high regard for customer service, dedication to excellence and innovation and serves as a role model for others. We are pleased to honor Firefighter Aaron McCandless as Firefighter of the Year.

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Bellevue police are asking for the public’s help locating a woman they say stole a Seattle firefighter’s wallet, racking up $8,500 worth of purchases at the Bellevue Square mall. Neil Junkin is a firefighter with the Seattle Fire Department and he runs a business on the side where he puts up Christmas lights for the

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Key Points: 1) Use a bench, stool or box that is approximately knee height. 2) Before starting this exercise, you may need to find a good placement for the front leg (working leg) and back leg (non-working leg). Be sure to mark the position so that it can be found with ease. 3) Begin this

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WSDOT said it will enforce an “emergency closure” of a long-standing encampment on Dearborn between 10th and 12th after a series of fires and after getting pressed by KOMO News. Late Sunday, another fire erupted at the state-owned land near I-5 on the ramp. Two Seattle engines were dispatched to put out the flames. It

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Key Points: 1) Adjust the bench angle for an incline press. 2) Maintain “5 points of contact”: (1) Head; (2) Shoulders; (3) Pelvis/Gluteus: (4) Left Foot; and (5) Right Foot. 3) Lift the DBs up to the starting position, so that they are directly above the shoulder and chest area. 4) Lower the weight with

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Nugget of Racist Cops (epilogue) – Station 19 #pt4 #epilogue Station 19 – Season 6 Episode 84 scene I had a lot of fun watching this show, even though I’m still stuck in 5th season. And the story goes like this, Firefighters of the Seattle Fire Department at Station 19 face a series of struggles

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Key Points: 1) Begin in a quadruped position (both hands and knees on the ground) and push the hips back to sit on the heels. Maintain straight arms while doing so. 2) Return to the quadruped position. Step into a high plank (both legs extended, knees off the ground) with the feet hip width apart.

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Key Points: 1) Stand close to the bar with the feet approximately hip width apart. 2) Begin the movement by hinging at the hips and slightly bending the knees to grab the bar. The hands should be placed just outside of the shins. (You may also start this movement with the barbell racked just below

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Key Points: 1) Position the J Hooks (J cups) just below shoulder height. 2) Step underneath the barbell and position it so that it sits on the shoulders. The hands should be just outside shoulder width, and the elbows should be up (think upper arm parallel to the ground). 3) Unrack the bar and take

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