The Shinjuku Fire Station gets dispatched to a fire. You can see a rescue truck, two pumpers and a command van responding. The ladder was probably cancelled as the crew was in turnout gear but didn’t hop in the truck. An ambulance was also responding later, however probably to another call. Einsatz für die Feuerwache

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Salida del Emergencias EM-81 (Furgón de Salvamentos Varios FSV) de los bomberos del ayuntamiento de Madrid, parque 8 Vallecas. Heavy Rescue Truck of the Madrid Fire Department responding out of fire station 8 Vallecas. Der Rüstwagen-Kran der Feuerwache 8 Vallecas der Feuerwehr Madrid rückt aus. by Dirk Steinhardt – – Madrid, España – 09/2021

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On this vlog Eric takes you into the smoke and behind the scenes at high intensity structure fire training at a huge abandoned building. Eric also takes you to the scene of a hazardous materials incident, updates on merch and gives patch shout outs!

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When spec’ing its new Heavy Rescue unit, the White Plains, NY Fire Department chose a Spartan Gladiator EMFD, powered by a Cummins X15 505 HP engine. This Heavy Rescue truck features a 25,000-watt Onan Protec PTO generator, 42 custom-mounted Paratech struts/kits and a Carefree Mirage lateral arm patio awning. A Knight 2 KL Series light

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This is a house fire that we had on May 9th, 2015. The fire was confined to one bedroom with some minor extension into the attic. The house is balloon frame construction which is very typical in Newark. I missed an good opportunity to order a transitional attack when the first engine arrived. A ten

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This fire occurred on 10-31-16 in Newark, Ohio. One occupant was home when the fire started. No injuries occurred, to both civilian and fire personnel. Newark Fire Department staffing was at 16 and responded with two engines, one ladder, 3 medic units and one battalion chief. Prevention-1 and EMS-1 are both 40-hour staff and assisted

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An inmate firefighter is accused of taking a firefighting truck for a joyride. Surveillance video captures the moment the truck plowed through a fence at “Rack It Truck Racks” in Shingle Springs.

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WHITEHALL, PA. – Tuesday afternoon Whitehall Engines 2, 3, 13, 12, 4, Truck 6, Greenawalds Rescue 11 (F.A.S.T.) were dispatched to 2695 MacArthur Road at the Burger King for a reported structural fire. Deputy Chief Bilder arrived and reported a fire in the exterior wall of the 1-story restaurant. Engine 2 arrived and stretched a

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Meet a lifesaver. A BMW R1200RT bike that features a firefighting system made by the Firexpress – a Denmark-based company specialized in firefighting equipments. The system consists of two tanks connected with one another, each with either 20 or 25 litres premixed water and foam and a 6.8 litre tank for compressed air. The lance

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Police arrested a Seattle firefighter for the second time in a week, this time on allegations of child rape. Andrew James Sapier, 52, has been on leave since his arrest in Pierce County last week during an undercover sting targeting sex predators. The new arrest is in connection to a case in 2019. Investigators say

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