While Engine 26 is visiting a preschool for Fire Prevention Week, Capt. Helwick receives word of a medical emergency taking place inside the school building! Then it’s on to a kitchen fire in an apartment complex for both Engine 26 and Truck 26. After nightfall, Truck 26 rolls on a potentially deadly carbon monoxide call!

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Denver Fire Department responding to a special rope-rescue incident at 1050 17th Street – Persons trapped in an elevator in a downtown high-rise building called for help. On Friday Evening, Denver Fire Dispatch called out Truck 4 (the busiest ladder company in the entire U.S.!), District Chief 2 and Engine 6 for an “Elevator Rescue”

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Denver firefighters opened their doors and their hearts to share painful lessons to help improve firefighter safety across the country and around the world. The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) has released Denver Fire Department: Leadership So Everyone Goes Home, a documentary highlighting the department’s efforts to make improvements after the tragic loss of three

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A new probationary firefighter arrives at Station 26. He’s an experienced firefighter from another department who must now start over on the bottom rung of the ladder. Then – is it real or a drill? Both Engine 26 and Truck 26 participate in a realistic training exercise at a local university dorm complete with firefighters

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