Ride along with Aerial Tower 1 of the Chicago fire department responding to a bin fire just one block away. Normally only an engine would attend that kind of call but because it was close to the fire house and the engine was already out they sent the closest available engine and also this truck.

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The Shinjuku Fire Station gets dispatched to a fire. You can see a rescue truck, two pumpers and a command van responding. The ladder was probably cancelled as the crew was in turnout gear but didn’t hop in the truck. An ambulance was also responding later, however probably to another call. Einsatz für die Feuerwache

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Salida del Emergencias EM-81 (Furgón de Salvamentos Varios FSV) de los bomberos del ayuntamiento de Madrid, parque 8 Vallecas. Heavy Rescue Truck of the Madrid Fire Department responding out of fire station 8 Vallecas. Der Rüstwagen-Kran der Feuerwache 8 Vallecas der Feuerwehr Madrid rückt aus. by Dirk Steinhardt – http://www.rescue911.eu – Madrid, España – 09/2021

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Ride along with Boston rescue 2 responding to an unconscious person along with a BLS and an ALS ambulance as well as an EMS supervisor (turned out to be a cardiac arrest at the end). Mitfahrt im Rüstwagen 2 der Feuerwehr Boston. Es geht zu einem medizinischen Notfall zusammen mit 2 Rettungswagen. Thanks to the

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Video collection featuring the Toronto Fire Services responding. Zusammenschnitt mit Einsatzfahrten der Feuerwehr Toronto. by Dirk Steinhardt – http://www.rescue911.eu – Toronto, Ontario, Canada – 09.2017 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rescue911.de Twitter: http://twitter.com/rescue911de Video clips of responding emergency vehicles – wwwrescue911de On this channel you will find video clips of emergency vehicles (fire/rescue, ambulance, police) from around the world

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Videos of medic units M1 and M10 of the Seattle fire department responding to calls. These units are paramedic staffed ALS ambulances and located at the Harborview Medical Center. They respond to serious medical calls along with at least an aid or fire suppression unit. The Seattle Medic One program is a worldwide known EMS

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The engine of Seattle’s fire station 10 is being dispatched to a medical call. There was heavy snow fall in Seattle causing traffic problems and minor accidents one day earlier. Seattle has lots of steep hills which became inaccessible for Seattle fire units. The decision was taken to mount snow chains on all of the

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Ride along with engine 25 of the Seattle fire department to an accident on the freeway. The engine in the video is a spare. Mitfahrt auf Löschfahrzeug 25 der Feuerwehr Seattle zu einem Verkehrsunfall auf der Autobahn. Das LF im Video ist ein Ersatzfahrzeug. by Dirk Steinhardt – http://www.rescue911.eu – Seattle, State of Washington, USA

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Videos of BLS ambulance Aid 84 of the Seattle fire department responding to calls. This is one of the few aid units in the city that are being dispatched to all medical calls in their areas. The aid units are all located on busy stations to avoid sending out an engine or ladder company. Even

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Ride along with BLS ambulance Aid 25 of the Seattle fire department to different calls. This is one of the few aid units in the city that are being dispatched to all medical calls in their areas. The aid units are all located on busy stations to avoid sending out an engine or ladder company.

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