Благовония и свечи при несоблюдении правил пожарной безопасности могут представлять опасность. • Не размещайте зажженные свечи, ароматические палочки и прочие благовония рядом со шторами и другими легковоспламеняющимися предметами. Не оставляйте маленьких детей без присмотра в помещении, где находятся зажженные свечи или благовония. • Устанавливайте свечи и благовония в прочные жароустойчивые контейнеры. • Прежде чем ложиться

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This routine is ideal for promoting muscle recovery or can be used before engaging in physical activity. Some examples include before and after shift, before and after workouts, and on rest/recovery days Complete the following exercises using a Foam Roller and/or Massage ball: 1) Foam Roll, T Spine 2) Foam Roll, Low Back (w/Leg Lock)

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Обогреватели необходимо устанавливать на безопасном расстоянии от других предметов. Если шторы, подушки, бумаги или любые другие предметы находятся слишком близко к стационарному или портативному обогревателю, может начаться пожар. • Убирайте ВСЕ предметы на безопасную дистанцию от источников тепла. • Минимальное безопасное расстояние для стационарных обогревателей — 12 дюймов (30 см), а для портативных — 3

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**PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION** Seen here is Seattle Fire Department’s Spare Engine 10, & Aid 10, responding from Fire Station No.10 in Seattle’s Downtown/International District, on two (2) separate Aid Response (Medical) calls, on a late Friday night this past June. Apparatus Info: Spare Engine 10 – 2006 E-One Cyclone II (2000/500/10F) Aid 10 – 2022

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I caught SFD’s Medic 32 responding to a medic response.

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Key Points: 1) Start position: Feet hip width apart, KB in the front rack position on either side (you should be able to touch the chin with an extended index finger, and the collarbone an extended the thumb) 2) While keeping a strong core, open up with the leading leg and pivot into a forward

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Five people were shot outside of a Rainier Beach Safeway on Friday night. According to Harborview Medical Center Public Information Officer Susan Gregg, four people were taken to the hospital for care. Three of those people are expected to recover and one has life-threatening injuries. The grocery store is located at 9200 Rainier Avenue South.

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On this Station Saturday we visit Firehouse 22 located at 16758 Smoky Hill Road. This facility was built in 2006 at the end of a shopping complex, the original Station was located at 5800 S. Tower Road and currently used by the SMFR Facilities Bureau. 2022 Response Stats – Battalion Chief 5 – 501 Engine

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I had great luck today, despite some early glitches, and caught both Marine 80 and Rescue 1 plus a handful of other units! For some reason Pulse Point didn’t notify me about this one, and Twitter was over ten minutes late, so I missed most of the responding units. Despite that, I was still able

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