See Scottsdale’s finest at work – the City of Scottsdale’s Fire Department. Follow Scottsdale’s first responders starting with a 911 call and leading up to the saving of victims – human and canine.

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Want a Donut shirt or sticker? Visit We all know what a fire truck looks like, and we all know how dangerous it is to be a firefighter! But what exactly is inside a fire engine and how many firefighters ride inside one? Thanks to the Oxnard Fire Department we were able to discover

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Brittany Jewett grew up at the Lake View Fire Department. Now, at age 29, she’s become the first female fire chief at the Lake View Fire District and in all of Hamburg.

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Captured here is Fire Station 4 in Portland’s University District (near Portland State University), which is home to tiller Truck 4 and Engine 4, both very new appliances. Truck 4 and Engine 4 can be seen responding to various emergency calls in the area and an American Medical Response (AMR) ambulance is also seen arriving

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Thought I would have a little fun and put together a video of our new Rosenbauer Panther that just got delivered this past week. The black over red paint on this Panther looks pretty sweet! Looks sharp and drives like a Cadillac. Music by: Meek Mill & Drak, R.I.C.O (Vincent Remix)

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Thank you everyone for the support so far this year! Be sure to follow me on all social media!! ⬇️Like what you see? FOLLOW ME!⤵️ ?Instagram – GregsFirePhotography ?Facebook: ?Snapchat – gregsfirephotos ?Twitter – Gregsfirephotos

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Captured here is Station 2 of the Seattle Fire Department, located in the Belltown area of Downtown Seattle. Station 2 is home to tiller Ladder 4 (the newest Pierce ladder in the city), Engine 2 as well as Aid 2 and Aid 4. The aid units are both medical first responders, providing basic life support

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In 2010, the citizens of San Francisco approved an ESSER (earthquake safety and emergency response ) general obligation bond that included improvements to or replacements of the City’s 44 fire stations. During the assessment of Fire Station 5, which was built in 1956, it was decided that the cost of retrofitting it would be higher

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In week 6 of SMFR Fire Academy, the recruits spent a lot of time in the classroom learning about hazardous materials responses. Technical decontamination training is featured in this episode. PIO Connor Wist went to a few days of early morning PT workouts to show the recruits doing weights and conditioning training in the gym

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On this episode of Fleet Friday, we take you on a tour of Red 1 & 2, two of South Metro’s Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting apparatus at Station 35.

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