I finally got a 2019 catch of Seattle Fire’s Rescue 1 responding! This was a “Rescue Standby” call for a man in crisis who was hanging out of a 5th story window. Officers on scene were eventually able to talk the man back inside. Units on the call: Engine 18, Battalion 4, Rescue 1, Aid

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Seattle Fire units responding to a rollover MVI. Units, in order of appearance: Aid 2, Operations Deputy (DEP1), ICS/Staff support chief (STAF10), Safety Chief (SAFT2), Rescue 1 and Battalion 5. Filmed 8/2/17

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Here’s some footage I filmed last Saturday of Seattle Fire units responding to two different water rescues, back-to-back. Lots of good horn action from the tiller trucks, especially Ladder 4. Thanks for watching! Units seen: 1:08 – Ladder 9 1:43 – Ladder 4 2:13 – Safety Chief (SAFT2) 2:30 – Engine 10 (sorry, this one

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Fire Fighter Shaun Shattuck of the Acton Fire Department takes us for a tour of their brand new vehicle: Engine 21 www.actontv.org

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The Washington State Firefighters Association held their annual memorial service in the capitol rotunda in Olympia. They honored the three firefighters who died this year in the line of duty as well as all firefighters who put their lives on the line everyday. The three firefighters honored were: Fire Chief Chet Bauermeister, Franklin County Fire

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Large SFD response for a water rescue off the Montlake bridge; ended up being a false alarm (or possibly the person made it out of the water before they arrived).

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Fact finding trip to Seattle Fire for TDA Tiller Ladder Truck information.

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Another catch of the new SFD SUVs, plus some sweet tiller action! On June 16th, 2019, I filmed Seattle Fire’s Ladder 9, Deputy Chief (DEP1), Safety Chief (SAFT2) and Staff/ICS Support Chief responding to a fire in north Seattle. All 3 of the chiefs were responding in new Ford Interceptor Utility SUVs. Outro music: Demilitarized

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