On April 8th, 2020, I spent about an hour at Station 17 in Seattle’s University District, and managed to catch Ladder 9 responding, Battalion 6 and Medic 17 returning, and Engine 31 leaving without lights or siren. Station 17 is interesting because it has apparatus bays on both the east and south sides of the

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Units in the tanker shuttle and responding into the working landfill fire in the Gansevoort Fire District, 4-4-2020. Below is a list of units responding: South Glens Falls Fire Engine Tanker 601 – 2018 KME Predator (x3) Wilton Fire Engine Tanker 722 – 2009 Pierce Velocity (x2) Wilton Fire Engine Tanker 712 – 1999 Pierce

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Truck 2 working its way out of a tight alley after a small fire in Harrisburg City.

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At 01:28 hours Saturday morning, Han-Le-Co Station 33 and Medic 75 were dispatched to a structure fire behind the Sonic Drive-in on Airport Road. Chief 33 (Knoll) was advised from dispatch that a garage was on fire in the area of Hoover and Lloyd Streets. Once on scene, Chief 33 reported smoke showing and transmitted

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Two-thirds of Seattle’s firefighters responded to a major fire in downtown Ballard. The blaze destroyed at least 5 shops in one building. https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/ballard-business-fire/281-80de7fbd-ea9f-404a-9779-9b5f29b4bbae ►Subscribe: https://kng5.tv/KING5YouTube ►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/king5news ►Free iPhone app: https://kng5.tv/iPhoneApp ►Free Android app: https://kng5.tv/AndroidApp ►5 things to know newsletter: https://www.king5.com/email

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A KCMO firefighter was taken to an area hospital with serious injuries. The civilian was also taken to a hospital, however the extent of their injuries is currently unknown.

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See Scottsdale’s finest at work – the City of Scottsdale’s Fire Department. Follow Scottsdale’s first responders starting with a 911 call and leading up to the saving of victims – human and canine. http://www.scottsdaleaz.gov/fire

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New York City firefighters train for two weeks on Randall’s Island to learn how to drive firetrucks. Some firetrucks weigh 40 tons and are 42 feet long. The training includes lectures, a virtual simulator, and an obstacle course. —————————————————— #Firetruck #FDNY #TechInsider Tech Insider tells you all you need to know about tech: gadgets, how-to’s,

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On February 20th, 2020, I recorded Seattle Fire and Seattle Dept. of Transportation units responding to a car fire. Usually, car fires only require one engine, but because of the proximity to a building this call went out as “Car Fire with Exposure” – basically a car fire that has the potential to catch other

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Want a Donut shirt or sticker? Visit https://shop.donut.media/ We all know what a fire truck looks like, and we all know how dangerous it is to be a firefighter! But what exactly is inside a fire engine and how many firefighters ride inside one? Thanks to the Oxnard Fire Department we were able to discover

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