Multiple fire trucks, engines, special apparatus and other units responding with horn, siren and lights in Southern California and New York in 2017. Contents ——————- 0:00 – LAFD Water Tender 88 0:22 – FDNY Rescue 1 0:53 – LAFD Task Force 37, Rescue 37 and 837 and Battalion 9 1:35 – LAFD Heavy Rescue 3

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Best Of Fire trucks Responding Compilation 2021 contains over an hour of videos of fire trucks from around Pennsylvania along with trucks from Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York and even Washington D.C. Fire engines, ladders, rescues, and other trucks responding to calls from working structure fires to fire alarms, motor vehicle accidents, medical calls,

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Top 25 Response Videos of 2018. Fire trucks Peaking Q, blasting air horn and blaring sirens responding to Structure fires, medical calls, gas leaks, Working fires, fire alarms, odor investigations, carbon monoxide alarms, motor vehicle accidents, rescue , hazmat, electrical fire, and even a 2nd alarm fire. With manufacturers from KME to Spartan to Seagrave

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Fire trucks responding compilation #8 of only Tiller Ladder Trucks Responding To all sorts of calls like Structure fires, vehicle fires, fire alarms and motor vehicle accidents featuring fire trucks from Reading Fire Department, FDNY, Manheim Township Fire Rescue, even Dallas Fire-Rescue and more! Like me on Facebook at and follow me on instagram

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Fire trucks Responding Compilation #24 full of fire trucks from Berks, Chester, Delaware, Lancaster and Philadelphia counties in Pennsylvania along with New Castle County Delaware. These fire trucks were responding to calls such as motor vehicle accidents, medical calls, Working structure fires, fire alarms and other calls in fire trucks makes like Pierce, KME, E-One,

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Top 25 Response Videos of 2019. Fire trucks Peaking Federal Q, blasting air horn and blaring sirens responding to Structure fires, medical calls, gas leaks, Working fires, fire alarms, water rescues, motor vehicle accidents, hazmat, brush fires, and even 2nd alarm fires. Several fire truck manufacturers In this video including KME, Spartan, Seagrave, Pierce, Rosenbauer,

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Los Angeles Fire Department Light Force 33 (Truck 33 & Engine 233) on scene of, and extinguishing an RV fire on Broadway St. x 84th St. Units due: Light Force 33 Location: Florence / South Central, Los Angeles, CA Date: Sunday, September 20th, 2020 ?INSTAGRAM: @SoCalFireGround ?FACEBOOK: SoCal Fire Ground

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Los Angeles County Fire Department Engine 170 responding to a reported brush fire in 38’s area on Stocker St. & Presidio Dr. Units due: Battalions 1, 13 & 20, Engines 18, 38, 58, 170, 171, 172 & 173, Squad 172, Patrol & Water Tender 70, Camp Crews 22, 23, 81, 91, 162, 163, Copters 14,

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Want a Donut shirt or sticker? Visit We all know what a fire truck looks like, and we all know how dangerous it is to be a firefighter! But what exactly is inside a fire engine and how many firefighters ride inside one? Thanks to the Oxnard Fire Department we were able to discover

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Best Of Fire trucks Responding Compilation 2019 contains over an hour of videos of fire trucks from around Pennsylvania along with trucks from Delaware, New Jersey and Florida. Fire engines, ladders, rescues, and other trucks responding to calls from structure fires to fire alarms, motor vehicle accidents, medical calls, hazmat calls, working fires, vehicle fires,

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