Today is the 51st anniversary of the Seattle Fire Department’s Medic 2 bystander CPR program. It’s also Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month. To commemorate, we asked Medic 2 CPR instructor, Johnny Bell, to provide a detailed overview on Hands-Only CPR, Pulse Point and more. For more info on our Medic 2 program, please visit:

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ናይ ኢድ ጥራሕ ቀሊል CPR ምፍላጥ ህይወት ከድሕን ይኽእል። ዝኾነ ሰብ ተዘሪሩ ክወድቕ እንተሪእኹምዎ፣ እዞም ዝስዕቡ ስጉምቲታት ተኸተሉ: 1. ናብ 9-1-1 ደውሉ ወይ ናብ 9-1-1 ንኽድውል ካልእ ሰብ ስደድ. a. ዘለኻዮ ቦታ ፍለጥ b. ምርካብ ዝከኣል እንተኾይኑ፣ ካልእ ሰብ AED ክረክብ ስደዱ። c. በይንኹም እንተኾይንኩም ናይ ተሌፎንኩም ስፒከር ዓው ኣብልዎ። d. ኢንግሊሽ ምዝራብ ዘይትኽእሉ እንተኾይንኩም፣

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Knowing simple hands-only CPR can save a life. If you see someone collapse, follow these steps: 1. CALL 9-1-1 or send someone else to call 9-1-1. a. Know your location. b. Send someone to get an AED, if available. c. Turn on phone speaker if you are alone. d. If you do not speak English,

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Seattle Fire Department, High Performance CPR, Training Video, 2015

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See Scottsdale’s finest at work – the City of Scottsdale’s Fire Department. Follow Scottsdale’s first responders starting with a 911 call and leading up to the saving of victims – human and canine.

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Seattle Fire Department, High Performance CPR, Training Video, 2015

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Seattle Fire Department, High Performance CPR, Training Video, 2015

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Seattle Fire Department, High Performance CPR, Training Video, 2015

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Seattle Fire Department, High Performance CPR, Training Video, 2015

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Seattle Fire Department, High Performance CPR, Training Video, 2014

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