Seattle Fire Department Engine 25 and Ladder 10 responding to an automatic fire alarm at 412 11th Ave. at 1504 on 12/17/2008. Just before Engine 25 leaves the station, you can hear them kidding Ladder 10 that they’re going to be the first out of the barn even though they reached their apparatus after Ladder

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Seattle Fire Department Engine 25 Responding to an alarm. Capitol Hill. Seattle. Washington

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Seattle Fire Department Aid 25 responding to 1522 E. Madison St. at 1307 on 12/17/2008. Aid 25 went on 5,420 runs during 2007, making it the 2nd busiest Aid unit behind Aid 2. Quartered with Aid 25 is Engine 25, Ladder 10, and Battalion 2. Station 25 serves the Capitol Hill / First Hill neighborhoods

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Seattle Fire Department Aid 25 being dispatched and responding to 1641 Bellevue Ave. at 1502 on 12/17/2008. Also on the run was Medic 1. Aid 25 went on 5,420 runs during 2007, making it the second busiest Aid unit in the SFD, behind Aid 2. Also quartered at Station 25 is Engine 25, Ladder 10,

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