How To Become A Member

To become a member of the Seattle Fire Buff Society you must:

  • Attend three (3) consecutive meetings. You can apply for a membership in the group.
  • You must fill out a full application with 2 personal reference from current members of the society.
  • You must pay a non-refundable fee for a complete WSP background check.
  • You will submit to a face-to face oral interview from Two(2) current members of the society appointed by the President of the Society.
  • You must be approved by both the Board of Directors and the General Membership of the group.
  • If approved for membership you will have a six (6) months probationary period before attaining full voting membership. You will be assigned a mentor from the group during this period to help you with any questions and/or problems.

Help Us Provide The Service To Our FireFighters

Seattle Fire Buff Society, unlike other emergency services, does not receive any tax revenues to support our operations. Our members volunteer their time and skills and are never compensated for their efforts. In order to cover our expenses such as supplies, vehicle maintenance, equipment purchases, training, etc. we rely on donations from residents and the business community.

Seattle Fire Buff Society accepts donations year-round and we sincerely appreciate any assistance that the community is able to offer. Donations may be sent via USPS to (Seattle Fire Buff Society 105 5th Ave S. Ste 400, Seattle, Washington 98104). While some donations are made due to the generosity of the giver, some may choose this as a means of celebration or remembrance of a special event or person. Others may choose to give as a thanks for the services that our members have provided. In some cases, people have suggested "in lieu of" donations when a loved one passes on. Even bequests made in wills are a way of showing support.

You can make a donation to Seattle Fire Buff Society through PayPal by clicking below. You do not need a PayPal account to make a donation through PayPal.

Regardless of the reason or method, any and all donations are sincerely appreciated. Seattle Fire Buff Society is a 501(c)(3) organization and donations are fully deductible with the IRS.

For more Information or if you have questions, please contact us at (614) 585-9120 Seattle Fire Buff Society 105 5th Ave S. Ste. 400, Seattle, Washington 98104 or by e-mail at