The Seattle Fire Department and Seattle Police Department responded to a traffic collision on 4th Avenue S & S Holgate Street on April 2, 2022. It looks like a car got rear-ended based on the damage it got. SPD was first on scene and SFD’s Rescue 1 arrived on scene soon after. A SPD car pulled into the nearby driveway, so I think that’s where the other car was.
Incident Details:
Date: 4/2/22
Location: 4th AVE S & S Holgate ST
Incident Type: Motor Vehicle Incident
Incident Time: 6:48 PM
Incident Lasted: 21 m
Units Dispatched: R1
Units Seen: R1, SPD
This channel and its content is inspired HEAVILY by LucasFirebuffing’s channel, “SeattleTrafficCams.” I highly recommend you check him out, his videos are very well made:
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The “Clip” System
To keep track of each clip, I number each one, for example, “STC#50,” which means “Seattle Traffic Clip number 50.” Each clip has its own number, so if you were to search “STC#39” into Twitter, the clip from my Twitter account would show up!