On September 16th, 2021, Seattle Fire units responded to a fully involved shed fire in south Seattle, near the light rail line.

The fire was initially dispatched as a 2+1+1 (2 engines, 1 truck and a chief). It was briefly upgraded to a full response, but was downgraded back to a garage fire. The first arriving engine company requested an upgrade back to a full response.

The fire was knocked down fairly quickly, although there was a slight delay in setting up the supply (connecting engines to fire hydrants) so firefighting efforts ceased for a few minutes after the initial engine ran out of water. There were no injuries, and the fire did not spread to any adjacent structures.

Clip highlights:
0:00 – Large flames visible on the traffic camera
0:55 – Smoke column visible on adjacent camera, while Ladder 12 passes
2:34 – Engine and SPD seen responding, followed by Rescue 1 and Aid 14
4:35 – Chief parade!
5:01 – Funny audio from a confused light rail operator
6:37 – Mystery unit responding


Cam, Camera, CCTV, Elmgrove, fire, MLK, Seattle, Seattle Fire Department, Seattle Fire, Seattle Fire Rescue, Seattle Fire Medics, Shed, traffic

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