At around 7:40 am on December 12, 2024, the Seattle Fire Department responded to a hazardous materials incident at the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct at 1519 12th Avenue. A backpack was found on the steps of the police station with an unknown white powder and a soft play-doh like substance. The Seattle Fire Department’s hazmat team, based at Station 10 near downtown, made up a decent portion of the response. The police bomb squad found the backpack had no explosives, and the fire hazmat team found the backpack had no hazardous materials. The incident lasted almost three hours. Though the motive (if known) has not been told, Seattle has had numerous similar incidents in the past couple years with political motives. Each wasted several hours of time for Station 10, one of the department’s busiest stations.
0:00 – E10, HAZ1, A10, AIR10, STAF10 responding, briefly staging (1)
1:16 – E10, HAZ1, A10, AIR10, STAF10 responding (2)
1:46 – E10, HAZ1, A10, AIR10, STAF10 responding (3)
2:10 – E10, HAZ1, A10, AIR10, STAF10 responding (4)
2:35 – E10, HAZ1, A10, AIR10, STAF10 responding (5)
This is real audio from Seattle Fire channel 3 (rescue/hazmat ops) from the incident. Audio is NOT synced with footage, and dead air is cut out. This is simply all audio clips from the incident put one after another. Audio is way ahead of the footage.
Units dispatched were: A10, AIR10, B2, B5, DECON1, E10, E25, E27, E5, HAZ1, L1, L3, M10, PIO2, SAFT2, & STAF10.
Units seen in this video were: A10, AIR10, E10, HAZ1, & STAF10.

SFD C Shift
It’s been a while since the hazmat team has made an appearance! I have so, so much footage of them buried in my hard drive that I’ll have to post eventually.
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This channel and its content is inspired HEAVILY by LucasFirebuffing’s channel, “SeattleTrafficCams.” I highly recommend you check him out, his videos are very well made: @/SeattleTrafficCams

Cameras operated by City of Seattle Department of Transportation
Video archived by – Thank you!!
Audio archive by – Fantastic resource!
Video edited by me using ClipChamp by Microsoft

All clear: SPD East Precinct, other buildings evacuated after suspicious backpack found

Hazardous material response clears Capitol Hill’s East Precinct and nearby buildings — UPDATE

WTCR seeks to highlight the everyday operations of first responders in several major Washington state cities, as seen from public traffic cameras. This channel focuses on their actions, responses, and of course their shiny trucks. WTCR is not monetized.

Thanks for watching! These descriptions sure take a long time to write…


Seattle Fire Department, Seattle Fire, Seattle Fire Rescue, Seattle Fire Medics

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