View the City of Seattle’s commenting policy:

Under a new Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) Director’s Rule, batteries, from small button cell to lithium-ion batteries that power bikes and vehicles, and small electronics including monitors and computers, are banned from the garbage in Seattle.

Batteries can easily catch fire when they are not disposed of properly, putting SPU staff and facilities at risk. Not only do batteries have hazardous chemicals that need special handling to be safely disposed of, but they can also pose risks to human health and the environment when disposed through the solid waste collection system.

More info:

Speakers and attendees include:
Mayor Bruce Harrell, City of Seattle
Andrew Lee, Seattle Public Utilities
Chief Harold Scoggins, Seattle Fire Department
McKenna Morrigan, Seattle Public Utilities
Julian Santos, Seattle Public Utilities
Battery fire demonstration conducted by SFD Captain Matthew Lujan


Seattle, Seattle Channel, Seattle Fire Department, Seattle Fire, Seattle Fire Rescue, Seattle Fire Medics

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