ride along with Engine 255 to a reported MVA – by Dirk Steinhardt – http://www.rescue911.de – Clinton, Prince George’s County, Maryland, USA – September 2006

Video clips of responding emergency vehicles – wwwrescue911de
On this channel you will find video clips of emergency vehicles (fire/rescue, ambulance, police) from around the world responding to calls with their warning lights and sirens.
Please note that all videos being posted on this channel have been made by myself!

Videos von Einsatzfahrzeugen auf Alarmfahrt – wwwrescue911de
Auf diesem Kanal findet ihr Videoclips von Einsatzfahrzeugen (Feuerwehr, Rettungsdienst, Polizei) aus diversen Ländern, die mit Sondersignal unterwegs sind.
Bitte beachtet, dass alle hier geposteten Videos ausschließlich von mir gemacht wurden!


911, accident, code3, company, county, Department, Dept, emergency, engine, federal, fire, Firefighter, Firefighting, georges, inside, lights, Pierce, powercall, prince, Pumper, Rescue, responding, response, Ride Along, rotaray, Seattle Fire Department, Seattle Fire, Seattle Fire Rescue, Seattle Fire Medics, signal, siren, strobes, Volunteer, Volunteer Fire Department, Whelen

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