I was still in bed at 8:03 this morning (April 2) when my PulsePoint app went off. I saw where the call was, threw on some clothes, started recording the traffic camera on my laptop, then jogged up to 15th Ave where I just missed Battalion 4 arriving, but managed to catch Engine 18 pulling up just as a tree behind the building burst into flames.

I got lots of great responses, with just a few snaffus. My camera died as Aid 86 was pulling up, and was slightly out of focus for the next shot. A few of the units went around the block, so I missed getting a good shot of Ladder 10; I was also pretty disappointed that Aid 260 arrived without lights/siren.

Overall, though, can’t complain about getting this many catches on a Saturday morning. No fire details released yet, although a homeless woman on scene told me the fire had likely been started by people stealing copper wire inside the (derelict) building. This is a row of abandoned buildings in Crown Hill (north Seattle); the fire was inside a closed bar called Goofy’s. No injuries reported.

So, I obviously need a new camera, and now that I have a proper job again I can afford one. Any video camera suggestions, or models to avoid?

Clip listing:
0:00 – E18 arriving, while tree bursts into flames
0:41 – L8 arriving
1:12 – E21 and B6 arriving
1:49 – M31 arriving
1:59 – Brief shot of fire building
2:07 – L9 arriving with A86
2:26 – SPD, M44 and Saft2 arriving
3:05 – Dep1 and Staf10 arriving
3:40 – On-scene footage
4:14 – E20 arriving
4:44 – Rehab1 arriving
5:03 – L10 and E9 arriving
5:51 – Parking patrol arriving, and Seattle City Light cutting off power
6:25 – Air 260 arriving
7:06 – On-scene footage, and a few photos
7:50 – Outro

Outro music: Demilitarized Zone by Ethan Meixsell, via the YouTube audio library.


emergency, fire, horn, lights, responding, response, Seattle, Seattle Fire Department, Seattle Fire, Seattle Fire Rescue, Seattle Fire Medics, SFD, siren, truck, trucks, urgent, urgently, WA, washington

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