On October 2nd, 2021, Seattle Firefighters turned on their apparatus lights for 15 minutes to honor fallen fire fighters across the nation. I was able to make it to two stations to observe the ceremony.

Seattle has lost at least seven members to fire throughout the history of the department, plus many others lost to job-related cancers.

The following firefighters died in the line of duty:
Battalion Chief Fred G. Gilham, 1917
James Willey, 1957
Lieutenant Mathew W. Johnson, 1989
Lieutenant Walter D. Kilgore, 1995
James T. Brown, 1995
Lieutenant Gregory A. Shoemaker, 1995
Randall R. Terlicker, 1995

A list of all the fallen Seattle firefighters is here: https://www.seattle.gov/fire/about-us/fallen-firefighter-memorial#seattlefiredepartmentlineofdutydeaths

A huge thanks to the Seattle Fire Department for protecting our city!

Clip listing:
0:00 – Station 18’s rigs pulling out of the bays
1:09 – Lights turn on
1:55 – Closer look at some of the rigs
2:18 – Driving from Station 18 to Station 35
3:29 – Station 35 rigs with lights on (except for M31, which was out)
3:47 – Outro, bay doors closing


emergency, fire, horn, lights, responding, response, Seattle, Seattle Fire Department, Seattle Fire, Seattle Fire Rescue, Seattle Fire Medics, SFD, siren, WA, washington

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