Captured here is Light Force 3 and Light Force 7 of the Bellevue Fire Department in Washington State. A ‘Light Force’ consists of a pump/ engine and a Ladder truck that always respond together as a unit, for all assignments. The light force system was brought to Bellevue by a former fire captain from California, who introduced it after moving there from Los Angeles. Station 3 and 7 are the only Light Forces in the city of Bellevue. Bellevue Fire also prides itself in using high quality wooden ladders to this day, another tradition that was inspired by fire departments in California.

Ladder 7 is one of the newest trucks in the department and is also equipped with a Howler/ Rumbler siren, which can be heard at 2:29.
Thanks to the friendly firefighters I was also able to take a closer look at the new truck. Enjoy the video and let me know what you think in the comments below!


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NOTE: All videos are filmed and owned by myself! – Timur Güner 2019 ©

LOCATION: Bellevue, Washington, United States
TAKEN: June 2018

All rights reserved. Using any content without written permission is strictly prohibited! Copyright infringement will be prosecuted! – TGG 2019 ©


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