On April 18th, 2019, Seattle Fire units responded to an electrical problem at the Google building in Fremont. The initial engine on scene (Engine 9) requested the Vault Response Team, due to a possible electrical vault fire. Vault team arrives at 2:03.

The Vault Response Team is a group of specially trained fire fighters who deal with electrical fires in underground or confined electrical vaults. The team consists of a Power and C02 Truck (P25), Engine 25, Ladder 10 and Aid 25. They also partner with units from Seattle City Light.

You can see a non traffic camera video of P25 and the Vault Team responding here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJEZQmp_8Zs

Here’s a demonstration of using C02 to extinguish a fire **skip to 8:08** http://seattlechannel.org/videos?videoid=x92833

Article about the Vault Response Team: https://powerlines.seattle.gov/2018/06/18/seattle-city-light-and-seattle-fire-department-partner-to-address-network-vault-fires/

Article about the incident from this video: https://www.geekwire.com/2019/google-seattle-building-loses-power-blown-breaker-prompts-large-emergency-response/

Article about 2 electrical fires in Seattle, with an inside SFD POV: https://www.firefighternation.com/articles/2017/06/seattle-vault-fires-review.html

Units on this incident :
Initial units: Engine 9, Ladder 8
Added once the call was upgraded to “Vault Fire (Electrical)”:
Engines 8, 18, 20, 25
Ladders 6, 10
Battalions 4, 6, SAFT2, DEP1, STAF10
Medic 17, Aid 2 and 25
P25, Air 10

Thanks for watching! Sorry about the lack of uploads lately; I’ve been sick for about a month. Hopefully I’ll be all the way better soon!


2019, April, audio;, C02, Cam, Camera, CCTV, City Light, fire, google, P25, Power, radio, responding, response, scanner;, Seattle, Seattle Fire Department, Seattle Fire, Seattle Fire Rescue, Seattle Fire Medics, SFD, Team, traffic, Vault

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