Captured here are various fire chiefs and officers of the Seattle Fire Department (SFD) responding to different emergency calls in the city with their Chevrolet response cars! First up we see Staff 10 (this unit is driven by a regular firefighter) responding from fire station 10 for a rescue. The clip was filmed from the second floor balcony of the station, while a firefighter kindly narrated the response. The Safety Chief, Operations Deputy and Battalion 2 soon follow. The next clips show Engine 10, Staff 10 and the Safety Chief responding to a structure fire in station 2’s area. The other clips show Battalion 5, Battalion 2 and Battalion 4 responding to desperate calls. THANK YOU to the firefighters of Seattle for your service and for welcoming me at your stations!


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– Filmed With a LUMIX GH4 –

NOTE: All videos are filmed and owned by myself! – TGG 2019 ©
LOCATION: Seattle, Washington State, United States
TAKEN: April – June 2018


alarm, america, autos, battalion chief, Blaulicht, bomba, bomberos;, brandweer;, cars, chevrolet, City, Code 3, einsatz, einsatzleiter, emergency services, emergency vehicles, Feuerwehr, fire & rescue, Fire Dept, fire engine, fire station, fire trucks, Firefighter, itfaiye, lights and siren, lính cứu hỏa, mỹ, pompier, responding, response, safety chief, Seattle Fire Department, Seattle Fire Department, Seattle Fire, Seattle Fire Rescue, Seattle Fire Medics, Seattle Washington, Staff 10, traffic, trak kebakaran, united states, USA, washington state, xe cứu hỏa, 消防車, 消防车, 美国, 소방차

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